Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Hope, New Year......Resolutions?!?!?!

Well another New Year is here and you know people are always so excited so filled with hope for what a New Year can bring, everyone always vows to quit smoking, to quit drinking, to find love, to focus more on the family, to eat healthier, to loose weight and any number of other random things. Really I think that is where we all go wrong, we set ourselves up for failure by assuming just because it is a New Year we are going to be anymore successful in accomplishing that which we have struggled with for years, that which we have put off trying to fix until the New Year. Now I don't mean to sound Pessimistic, I am a realist, the likelihood of being successful in any of these New Years Resolutions is pretty slim.
I could sit here and say I would love to blog more, and now that it is a New Year I am going to focus and blog more, in reality, life happens and though I may desire to take the time and blog more, I might not. I also need to loose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier, get better at keeping books and finish the house time all of that will happen, But for this year, this New Year my focus is going to be on me, how do I become someone better than I was not just yesterday, but last year (the coincidence is that yesterday was last year, but you know what I mean) Before I can be successful at leading a healthier lifestyle, being a better friend, achieving goals, I have to first look to myself and see what I need help with, what I am missing in my soul that prevents me from success. So that will be my focus, not my resolution, but my focus for this year. I plan to check out the courses and classes offered about parenting, about self esteem, anything that is really out there that will facilitate a healthy self esteem, and continue to support my efforts to be the best parent I can possibly be to my amazing children. (And My children are pretty amazing)
Part of this self reflection is going to involve a commitment, both from me and the women in my life to meet once a month, just us girls, to visit, to chat to have a good time over coffee and a meal to reconnect with ourselves as women. I am on a search within myself to define in an ever changing world, what it means to be a woman. With that role so confused by societal expectations, necessary family structure changes, and an overall lack of knowledge of what to do with "free time" because it is so rare now-a-days that as women we usually spend it doing something for others, or family cleaning, or groceries etc. We as women don't even generally know how to spend money on themselves, unless out of necessity, without feeling guilty. So this is my focus for the year, to better myself, to figure out life for me, so I can be better at the things that I do, the other roles I have so I can learn more about what it means to be me, to take some time for me to do the things I like to do. That is a big thing to model for my children as well, so they can be in touch with their needs and likes in this world as well, so when they grow up they don't feel like part of them is missing as well, without any idea of how to find what is missing.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to blog again soon ;)

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